Friday, September 19, 2014


I AM DOING A HAPPY DANCE BECAUSE I WAS ABLE TO LOG IN TO MY BLOGGER!!!! I've been off for almost a year and I finally was un-stupid enough to see if my browser had (duh) saved my Marthakin password and (duh) it had! So YAY!! I have another blog but I don't use it nearly as much as I used to use this one.
     So! Lost of stuff has happened since October 13, 2013 (My last post, which was actually in the Art Room computer lab at my high school) I'm a Sophomore now, enrolled in three honors classes and one Junior-level class (Chemistry). Since that date I have had two boyfriends (Neither one lasted long but I still miss the first one [geesh it sounds like I'm talking about a dog. Sorry, James.]) I have a account that makes me happy because people actually seem to enjoy my fanfic as it has about ten favorites (I know that's a tiny number but hush) and I have a tumblr! It's TheDramaGirl99. You guys should follow me. On Tumblr. Not in real life. But I mean if you're an attractive single male in your mid-teens, in real life is okay, too! (Just kidding... maybe...)
    I am reading The Maze Runner right now. SO GOOD. If you've read it, please please please don't spoil it because you wouldn't like me if I was angry.... My best guy friend who is a Freshman at my high school made me read the Song of Dragons trilogy and that was also kind of amazing.
   My (15th) birthday is coming up and I'm hoping to have a few of my gal friends over for a movie watching Night of Epic Proportions but I have to clean my room first.  :'( I'm in another high school play! This is my third one! It's called No Signs of Intelligent Life and my English teacher wrote it. It is super funny and my character (an alien posing as a substitute teacher) can breathe out her butt which is kind of like okaaayy, Starchman.... and is also kind of like LMFAO. I'm also in a (really really dark) community theater production that goes up two weeks from today and that everybody is terrible at so far. I should really be doing my Algebra II honors stuff right now but I don't feel like it.         I also saw today that my blog has 606 pageviews. DO YOU GUYS HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME??? No. You don't. Just kidding, you're all probably much better than me and your blogs probably have waaay more than 606 pageviews. ANYWAY.  I have a couple other blogs that are for my classes, but those aren't fun like this one is
      Marty :)